Generate More Organic Leads and Convert them to Sales in Your Business Guaranteed, or We Don’t Want Your Money!
“. . .We have been very pleased with our working relationship with Mike Cynar & his team at Peak Marketing Services. They have published countless lead-converting blog posts for us that ranked on the first page of Google within just hours of publishing. Month after month they have continued to drive quality traffic to our website.”
—Steve Pezzella, VP of Marketing
Paramount Builders, Inc.
Difficult to believe? I know, I know. . .
You Can Never Trust a Salesman (And Other Hard Lessons)
Very early on, Mike and I found that business owners didn’t want to talk to us because they had been down the SEO road before with other companies and felt they simply had thrown their money away.
We learned just how difficult it was to convince guys just like you that we could help generate more leads and make more sales.
Skepticism runs high.
In fact, there’s an excellent chance you are reading these very words from a place of extreme skepticism.
I don’t blame you.
Finding a Legitimate Marketing Expert is a Bit Like Russian Roulette
We all know this industry is littered with shysters, conmen, blowhards, and wannabes.
Unfortunately, that makes a dangerous world for you, and a hard slog for the few honest guys working to convince you that they are indeed different.
In fact, about a decade ago (when this was still possible on Google), I built and optimized a lead generation site for a business owner friend of mine and had it in the top position for the most competitive terms in his local area within 3 months.
“Thanks bro, you proved your point! You guys are awesome!! I still can’t believe that took me to the top in less than 3 months!”
– Jon M., Owner
J.Montes, Inc.
But that was the longest and most agonizing 12 weeks of hand-holding and reassuring him that his money was being well-spent and the results were coming.
Despite my efforts to set clear expectations that getting organic traffic from Google was not a short-term play, he was still incredibly anxious.
From his side, he was only able to see a large chunk of money going out each month and no real visible results in return for weeks and weeks.
By the end of the 3 months, he was thrilled with my work.
But I was exhausted.
You Lose, Even When You Win
And that was nearly the best-case scenario for two reasons.
- One, he was a good personal friend and we had an established relationship.
- And second, I was able to deliver the results phenomenally fast.
It was taking longer and longer to produce those results, even back then.
Today, there’s no way I could expect to rank a brand new site on page 1 in 12 weeks.
Convincing someone that you can produce results for them is always tough.
But when it can take 6 or even 12 months for them to reap the rewards – well, that was a recipe for my nightmare scenario.
Proven, Undeniable Results Up-Front (Don’t Take Our Word For It)
So, when Mike and I teamed up, we decided to do things a little differently.
We decided to shut up and prove the results up-front before asking for a penny.
We were completely confident in our ability to get the results and generate boatloads of organic leads.
But convincing business owners was no fun.
Why not just generate the leads and ONLY approach business owners when we had leads to sell?
So that’s exactly what we did.
Instead of looking for outside clients, we took on all the risk and quietly went to work building our own organic lead gen sites and selling on a Pay-per-Lead basis.
We Ate Only What We Killed
If we didn’t generate leads, we didn’t make money – the way a real business should operate.
No promises, no fluff.
Nearly a decade, over 40 web properties, dozens of industries, hundreds of services and products, and thousands and thousands of leads later, here we are.
We built a business that by its very existence demonstrates we know our craft.
And at this point, we know it pretty well.
In fact, we are one of the top partners for both’s BuyerZone and 360Connect.
You can read what they each have to say about us right here.
I really don’t bring that up to brag.
But it lets you know I’m not making unsubstantiated claims.
We’ve had our share of ups and downs and learned important lessons along the way.
The other day we were talking and we thought,
“Maybe Businesses Like Yours Could Benefit From What We’ve Learned”
Just Maybe You Want Help With Generating and Converting More Leads?
Why would we help you generate your own leads instead of simply sell you more of ours?
In short, to serve you at a higher level.
Selling you leads is great.
It’s good for us, and it’s good for you.
But honestly, we can only generate so many leads as a 3rd party.
It’s All About the Quality
There will never be a lead that is higher quality than the one you generate yourself organically.
Self-generated organic leads have the absolute highest likelihood to convert.
Just think about it.
Which lead is more likely to buy from you:
- A) One that was interrupted by an advertisement while doing something else OR
- B) Someone who was intently searching for your solution at the moment they discover you?
I hope you went with “B”.
(I know, tricky pop-quiz 😉 )
Ok, you nailed that one. Let’s try another.
Which is more likely to purchase from you:
- A) A lead generated generically by a 3rd party and handed to you OR
- B) Someone who specifically came to your company and expressed interest in having you solve their problem?
Once again, “B” is the correct answer.
You see, as the company who will be providing the service or product directly to the customer, you have several innate advantages with which we, as a 3rd party lead generation company, could never compete.
You can brand yourself and your company from the beginning.
And you can start to engender trust and build rapport right from the start.
—> We might be able to help.
If your business qualifies, I’ll tell you how you can apply to get personal help from Mike and me (Dan) to help YOUR BUSINESS generate and convert more leads.
I’ll tell you how to know if you qualify in just a second. But first, <—